RSU23 Content
Molly Walrath

Molly Walrath

What I do

I live locally where I appreciates the beauty of the beach and the woods. I enjoy exercise classes, nature walks and riding my bike to Camp Ellis and on the Eastern Trail to the Scarborough Marsh. I incorporate yoga and mindfulness into my personal life and professional practice.

I began as a full time Occupational Therapist for RSU 23 in 2015. I provide services to students grades three through twelve. Occupational Therapy services are geared toward increasing a student’s independence in daily school occupations including fine motor skills for handwriting and scissor use, self care skills for managing fasteners and mealtime utensils, as well as self-regulation for being ready to learn. I am a specialist in the area of sensory integration and help teachers and students understand how our sensory processing impacts our feelings, actions, and attention.

I have provided OT services on a part time basis to the Old Orchard Beach schools for many years. I was the director of the former University of New England Community Occupational Therapy Clinic in Biddeford, which provided OT services to children and their families. I attended Boston University for both my undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Occupational Therapy.