RSU23 Content

Athletics/Activities Eligibility Policy

The athletics program is open to all regularly enrolled Loranger Memorial School students in grades 6, 7, & 8 while our music programs and our other activities do include some of our Loranger Memorial School students in grades 3, 4, & 5 who meet the following requirements:

Students playing sports are required to have a sports physical by their family physician or health provider every two years. A form signed by the physician must be submitted to the Athletic Director and kept on file by the school nurse. Students must attend school for the full day in order to participate in any extracurricular activities, including but not limited to practices, games and performances. With the exception of medical or other appointments when proper documentation is provided.

Participation in athletics/activities is a privilege for students who are in good academic and behavioral standing. The principal or designee has the right to implement interventions ranging from least restrictive (i.e. support plan) to more restrictive (i.e. temporary or permanent removal from the extracurricular activity) based upon student need.