RSU23 Content

Principal’s Memo – May 24, 2024

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May 24, 2024

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day weekend is here! There is no school on Monday and then there are only 10 days left of school! There are lots of things happening in those 10 days, so be sure to check in with your child about upcoming dates and things that need to be returned to school. Teachers and staff will be sharing out communications around end of year plans, so be sure to pay careful attention to them. I hope you all have a safe and Happy Memorial Day!

The last day of school, Monday, June 10th will be an early release day for students. Grades 3-5 are dismissed at 11:30, and Grades 6-8 at 12:00. We will be serving breakfast and a bag lunch to go on that day.

Congratulations to our Special Olympians

Today our RSU 23 Special Education Team has organized a day of Special Olympics! We’re very excited for our olympians! The weather looks great, and it is going to be a lot of fun! Many thanks to our amazing staff who worked so hard to put this event together.

LMS Field Day

We’re very excited for our building wide field day on June 4th. Our students will get to spend some time enjoying some great outdoor activities as well as a school wide barbecue! Please help your child remember to dress comfortably with sneakers, bring a water bottle with their name on it, and pack sunscreen and a hat. Thanks to our PTO/Boosters for their help in bringing this together.

Tick Check

It is that time of the year when ticks start emerging. Please be sure to check your child nightly for ticks. Here is a link for more information from CDC on ticks.

End of Year Library Book Return

All school library books are due back by Thursday, May 30th. Please help your child make sure they have returned all their school library books. Check under the couch, in the car, bookshelves, closets etc. We will also have all teachers check desks and shelves in their classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep a well stocked library for our students by returning all library books before the end of the school year.

Lost & Found

We have many items in our lost and found. If you think your child has lost some items, please encourage them to check over the items just outside the gymnasium. Thank you!

A reminder of a few upcoming dates:

  • Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
  • Wednesday 5/29 – LMS Evening of the Arts 5:30-7:00
  • Tuesday 6/4 – LMS Field Day (Rain date 6/5)
  • Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
  • Monday 6/10 – Last day of school

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend,

Matt Foster


Please see the attached public notice from our special education department.

Public Notice 2024-2025