Principal’s Memo – June 7, 2024
Posted onJune 7, 2024
Hey there LMS Families,
What an awesome last full week of school we have had to round out a pretty amazing year. It’s been a great week wrapping everything up. From field trips to field day, staff and students have had a lot of fun with our end of year experiences. The end of the week weather isn’t quite cooperating though. We have had to move our grade eight promotion indoors for tonight at 6:00. We will be celebrating our eighth graders as they head off to high school in the LMS gym.
Digital Report Cards for Trimester 3 will be sent out on Monday, June 10th. Please be on the lookout for those.
This is our last memo of the year! Should you need anything through the summer, don’t hesitate to reach out to the main office at LMS, and we’ll be happy to assist you. Our summer office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00-12:00. Have a wonderful summer everyone!
Monday, June 10th will be an early release day for students. Grades 3-5 are dismissed at 11:30, and Grades 6-8 at 12:00. We will be serving breakfast and a bag lunch to go on that day.
LMS Field Day
What a success! I hope you were able to hear from you child about all the fun that was had celebrating this school year and being active while doing it. It was so cool to have a school wide barbecue gathering every student and staff member together! Thanks to the PTO for their contributions and to our fabulous staff for their hard work to make this such a success!
End of Year Library Book Return
All school library books are now overdue! Please help your child make sure they have returned all their school library books. Check under the couch, in the car, bookshelves, closets etc. We will also have all teachers check desks and shelves in their classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep a well stocked library for our students by returning all library books before the end of the school year.
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school – EARLY RELEASE DAY
- Wednesday 8/28 – First Day of 2024-2025 School Year
- Friday 8/30 – No School
- Monday 9/2 – Labor Day, No School
- Wednesday 9/11 – Early Release Day/LMS Open House
Have a safe and happy summer vacation!
Matt Foster
Principal’s Memo – May 31, 2024
Posted onMay 31, 2024
Good morning LMS Families,
With only one week (and a half day on the 10th) left, we are in full swing to close out the 23-24 school year. Some truly amazing things have been going on here to help wrap up such a great year. There are also some wonderful things still to come. Field day is scheduled for Tuesday next week. Please pay careful attention to the blurb about that later in this memo. Grade 8 promotion is next Friday at 6:00 on Joe Regina Field at the High School. We’ll send off our grade 8 students as the class of 2028! If the weather does not cooperate, we will move the festivities into the Gymnasium at LMS.
The last day of school, Monday, June 10th will be an early release day for students. Grades 3-5 are dismissed at 11:30, and Grades 6-8 at 12:00. We will be serving breakfast and a bag lunch to go on that day.
LMS Field Day
We’re very excited for our building wide field day on June 4th. Our students will get to spend some time enjoying some great outdoor activities as well as a school wide barbecue! Please help your child remember to dress comfortably with sneakers, bring a water bottle with their name on it, and pack sunscreen and a hat. Thanks to our PTO/Boosters for their help in bringing this together.
Other End of Year Reminders
A couple of things for you and your child(ren) to consider as we enter the last week of school.
- Next week we will begin collecting student devices, so all students will want to be sure to have their device, charger, and case ready to be turned in.
- Lockers and desks will be cleaned out next week and things will be coming home. Students should also check the lost and found outside of our gymnasium next to the cafe. Teachers will be reaching out at the end of next week if students have left any identifiable belongings behind. We will hold onto any lost student belongings until July, and then they will be donated.
- Trimester 3 digital report cards will be sent on Monday, June 10th.
Tick Check
It is that time of the year when ticks start emerging. Please be sure to check your child nightly for ticks. Here is a link for more information from CDC on ticks.
End of Year Library Book Return
All school library books are now overdue! Please help your child make sure they have returned all their school library books. Check under the couch, in the car, bookshelves, closets etc. We will also have all teachers check desks and shelves in their classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep a well stocked library for our students by returning all library books before the end of the school year.
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Tuesday 6/4 – LMS Field Day (Rain date 6/5)
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school – EARLY RELEASE DAY
Have a great weekend,
Matt Foster
Principal’s Memo – May 24, 2024
Posted onMay 24, 2024
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Memorial Day weekend is here! There is no school on Monday and then there are only 10 days left of school! There are lots of things happening in those 10 days, so be sure to check in with your child about upcoming dates and things that need to be returned to school. Teachers and staff will be sharing out communications around end of year plans, so be sure to pay careful attention to them. I hope you all have a safe and Happy Memorial Day!
The last day of school, Monday, June 10th will be an early release day for students. Grades 3-5 are dismissed at 11:30, and Grades 6-8 at 12:00. We will be serving breakfast and a bag lunch to go on that day.
Congratulations to our Special Olympians
Today our RSU 23 Special Education Team has organized a day of Special Olympics! We’re very excited for our olympians! The weather looks great, and it is going to be a lot of fun! Many thanks to our amazing staff who worked so hard to put this event together.
LMS Field Day
We’re very excited for our building wide field day on June 4th. Our students will get to spend some time enjoying some great outdoor activities as well as a school wide barbecue! Please help your child remember to dress comfortably with sneakers, bring a water bottle with their name on it, and pack sunscreen and a hat. Thanks to our PTO/Boosters for their help in bringing this together.
Tick Check
It is that time of the year when ticks start emerging. Please be sure to check your child nightly for ticks. Here is a link for more information from CDC on ticks.
End of Year Library Book Return
All school library books are due back by Thursday, May 30th. Please help your child make sure they have returned all their school library books. Check under the couch, in the car, bookshelves, closets etc. We will also have all teachers check desks and shelves in their classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep a well stocked library for our students by returning all library books before the end of the school year.
Lost & Found
We have many items in our lost and found. If you think your child has lost some items, please encourage them to check over the items just outside the gymnasium. Thank you!
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Wednesday 5/29 – LMS Evening of the Arts 5:30-7:00
- Tuesday 6/4 – LMS Field Day (Rain date 6/5)
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend,
Matt Foster
Please see the attached public notice from our special education department.
Principal’s Memo – May 17, 2024
Posted onMay 17, 2024
Hello there everyone,
Hard to believe we are over halfway through the month of May. There are only fifteen more days of school left in this school year. Many things will be happening in that time, so be sure to pay close attention to the upcoming dates at the end of this memo. Also pay close attention to all communications coming home from your child’s teacher(s) which will also contain important end of year info. Enjoy the beautiful May weather today and this weekend!
Middle School Leadership Conference
Many thanks to our group of Middle School students who attended the Middle School Leadership Summit at the University of New England this past Monday. It was a very successful day, and our students represented OOB and Loranger very well!
Tick Check
It is that time of the year when ticks start emerging. Please be sure to check your child nightly for ticks. Here is a link for more information from CDC on ticks.
Senior Citizen Dinner
RSU 23 is excited to be hosting our Annual Senior Citizen Dinner on Thursday, May 23. We will open the doors and begin seating at 4:30pm. This dinner is free for all Old Orchard Beach Senior Citizens and will be held at Loranger Memorial School. Please help spread the word to come enjoy a wonderful turkey dinner! Please RSVP to Old Orchard Beach Central Office, M-F 8:30-3:00 at 934-5751 extension 0.
End of Year Library Book Return
All school library books are due back by Thursday, May 30th. Please help your child make sure they have returned all their school library books. Check under the couch, in the car, bookshelves, closets etc. We will also have all teachers check desks and shelves in their classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep a well stocked library for our students by returning all library books before the end of the school year.
Middle School Dance
There is a middle school dance this evening from 6:00-8:00. Hope to see our middle schoolers there!
Spring Athletics
Our Middle School Athletic teams are in full swing. If you’re interested in catching our student athletes in action, you can find our schedules here. Go GULLS!
Lost & Found
We have many items in our lost and found. If you think your child has lost some items, please encourage them to check over the items just outside the gymnasium. Thank you!
Maine Through Year Assessment
Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Wednesday 5/29 – LMS Evening of the Arts 5:30-7:00
- Tuesday 6/4 – LMS Field Day (Rain date 6/5)
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Enjoy the weekend,
Matt Foster
Please see the attached public notice from our special education department.
Principal’s Memo – May 10, 2024
Posted onMay 10, 2024
Hi there LMS Families,
What a great week we’ve had. Staff Appreciation week combined with Student Council Spirit week, the atmosphere is amazing! We are so privileged to work in such a great place. Thanks to all of you who helped make this week special for our staff, and one last Staff Appreciation week THANK YOU to all of our staff members as well as to any other educators’ out there. Thank you!
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our LMS Mom’s out there. I hope you have a very enjoyable weekend with your family!
Middle School Dance
The middle school dance that was scheduled for before vacation has been rescheduled for Friday, May 17th from 6:00-8:00. Hope to see our middle schoolers there!
Spring Athletics
Our Middle School Athletic teams are in full swing. If you’re interested in catching our student athletes in action, you can find our schedules here. Go GULLS!
Lost & Found
We have many items in our lost and found. If you think your child has lost some items, please encourage them to check over the items just outside the gymnasium. Thank you!
Maine Through Year Assessment
Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Tuesday 5/14 – RSU 23 Regional Budget Meeting
- Thursday 5/16 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting
- Friday 5/17 – Middle School Dance 6:00-8:00
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Wednesday 5/29 – LMS Evening of the Arts 5:30-7:00
- Tuesday 6/4 – LMS Field Day (Rain date 6/5)
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Have a wonderful weekend,
Matt Foster
Please see the attached public notice from our special education department.
Principal’s Memo – May 3, 2024
Posted onMay 3, 2024
Good morning LMS Families,
May is here! Things are really starting to happen fast as we begin to look to the end of the school year. Please be sure to check the important dates section at the end of this memo, and pay close attention to the information you are receiving from your child’s teacher or team of teachers regarding upcoming events. We take every opportunity to get outside, go on field trips and plan amazing end of year experiences for our students, and we want you to have all of the information. Should you have any questions about the end of the year and things that are occuring, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Next week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. It is a great opportunity for us to show our gratitude for the work that the amazing team here does for our students. You don’t need to do anything over the top, in fact, something that goes a long way is a hand written note of thanks from you and/or your child. Staff truly appreciate those little things that they can cherish for a long time. If you decide to have your child write a note of appreciation, here are some thoughts and ideas that might assist you:
- Keep it simple. A blank piece of paper with a story or anecdote about what makes their teacher so special will go a long way.
- Be specific. Rather than having a student say, “Thanks for your help,” try writing “Thank you for helping me figure out those math problems that were giving me such a hard time!”
- Student art work is always a nice touch!
No reason to let this be a stressor for you. It is only meant to be a small reminder of how much we appreciate our teachers and staff. You can find a complete list of staff members on our website.
Student Council Spirit Week
Our LMS Student Council has put together a spirit week starting next Monday with the theme of Better Together (Healthy Friendships). Here are the dress up themes for each day:
- Monday: Team Bonding – Wear your favorite sports jersey
- Tuesday: Mismatch/Whacky – Be comfortable around each other, even if your socks don’t match and your hair is a mess
- Wednesday: Twin Day – Dress alike, look sharp, and feel good about yourselves
- Thursday: Better Together – Dynamic Duos & Sidekicks
- Friday: Box of Crayons Day
- 3rd Grade Orange
- 4th Grade Red
- 5th Grade Green
- 6th Grade Yellow
- 7th Grade Purple
- 8th Grade Blue
Middle School Dance
The middle school dance that was scheduled for before vacation has been rescheduled for Friday, May 17th from 6:00-8:00. Hope to see our middle schoolers there!
Spring Athletics
Our Middle School Athletic teams are in full swing. If you’re interested in catching our student athletes in action, you can find our schedules here. Go GULLS!
Lost & Found
We have many items in our lost and found. If you think your child has lost some items, please encourage them to check over the items just outside the gymnasium. Thank you!
Maine Through Year Assessment
Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.
Pre-K and Kindergarten pre-registration for Jameson Elementary
Pre-K and New Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is open on the RSU 23 website.
Food Pantry Information
If your family would like to receive weekly food bags sent home with your child, please contact our School Counselor, Judy Milligan at or by calling 934-4848. We have received a contract with The Good Shepherd Food Bank with a sponsor of Youth Full Maine to provide food for our pantry. We receive food from these organizations every other week. We also receive donations from the Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry and private citizens in our community. The food we receive varies with each delivery however all food is nonperishable. You are also welcome to pick up the food yourself by letting Mrs. Milligan know that you need a food bag left either at the front office or left outside for a no-contact pick-up. A bag can be packed for you any day just by asking.
Student Medication Procedure
Students may require medications for various reasons throughout the school day, this includes over the counter medications, prescribed medications and emergency medications. Per school policy all medications at school need parent permission, doctors orders and to be administered by the nurse or trained personnel. Medications are stored in the nurse’s office and the student’s parent shall deliver medication needed for school. The intent of this policy is to promote safe administration of medications to students and a safe environment for all our students.
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Tuesday 5/14 – RSU 23 Regional Budget Meeting
- Thursday 5/16 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting
- Friday 5/17 – Middle School Dance 6:00-8:00
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Wednesday 5/20 – LMS Evening of the Arts 5:30-7:00
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Enjoy the weekend,
Matt Foster
Principal’s Memo – April 26, 2024
Posted onApril 26, 2024
Happy Friday everyone,
The weather out there is certainly starting to feel more like spring. With the great weather, we had a great week here back from vacation. Everyone is recharged and energized for May! We finished today with an assembly today by Mr. Jason Tardy. The students really enjoyed it, and we’re thankful to the PTO/Boosters for helping to bring his juggling act and positive behavior message!
Middle School Dance
The middle school dance that was scheduled for before vacation has been rescheduled for Friday, May 17th from 6:00-8:00. Hope to see our middle schoolers there!
Maine Through Year Assessment
Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.
Yearbooks can now be purchased using this link: When you purchase an LMS yearbook, you can design 2 custom pages for FREE, but this must be completed by April 15th.
Vision & Hearing Screenings
We are in the process of completing our State Requirements for vision and hearing screenings. Vision and hearing screenings are necessary to help identify concerns that can affect a student’s progress at school. You will be notified and asked to follow up with your child’s primary care physician and/or specialist if further action is needed. Hearing screenings will be conducted on 3rd and 5th graders. Vision screenings will be conducted on our 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders. Please reach out to our school nurse at if your child has had a comprehensive vision or hearing exam with a specialist in the last 12 months or if you would not like your child to be screened.
Pre-K and Kindergarten pre-registration for Jameson Elementary
Pre-K and New Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is open on the RSU 23 website.
Food Pantry Information
If your family would like to receive weekly food bags sent home with your child, please contact our School Counselor, Judy Milligan at or by calling 934-4848. We have received a contract with The Good Shepherd Food Bank with a sponsor of Youth Full Maine to provide food for our pantry. We receive food from these organizations every other week. We also receive donations from the Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry and private citizens in our community. The food we receive varies with each delivery however all food is nonperishable. You are also welcome to pick up the food yourself by letting Mrs. Milligan know that you need a food bag left either at the front office or left outside for a no-contact pick-up. A bag can be packed for you any day just by asking.
Student Medication Procedure
Students may require medications for various reasons throughout the school day, this includes over the counter medications, prescribed medications and emergency medications. Per school policy all medications at school need parent permission, doctors orders and to be administered by the nurse or trained personnel. Medications are stored in the nurse’s office and the student’s parent shall deliver medication needed for school. The intent of this policy is to promote safe administration of medications to students and a safe environment for all our students.
Family Vacation Forms
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Wednesday 5/1 – Early release day
- Thursday 5/16 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Have a great weekend everyone,
Matt Foster
Principal’s Memo – April 11, 2024
Posted onApril 11, 2024
Happy Vacation everyone,
The memo comes a day early due to the upcoming vacation, and there will be no memo next week. The next memo will be on Friday, April 26th. As we look ahead to after vacation, there are not many school days between now and May. That means that the end of the school year is just around the corner. Please pay careful attention to the upcoming dates at the end of this memo as we have many things that happen at the end of the year, and they tend to sneak up on us. Thank you, and have a great vacation.
Middle School Dance RESCHEDULED
Last week’s middle school dance that had to be canceled due to the snow
Maine Through Year Assessment
Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.
Yearbooks can now be purchased using this link: When you purchase an LMS yearbook, you can design 2 custom pages for FREE, but this must be completed by April 15th.
Vision & Hearing Screenings
We are in the process of completing our State Requirements for vision and hearing screenings. Vision and hearing screenings are necessary to help identify concerns that can affect a student’s progress at school. You will be notified and asked to follow up with your child’s primary care physician and/or specialist if further action is needed. Hearing screenings will be conducted on 3rd and 5th graders. Vision screenings will be conducted on our 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders. Please reach out to our school nurse at if your child has had a comprehensive vision or hearing exam with a specialist in the last 12 months or if you would not like your child to be screened.
Pre-K and Kindergarten pre-registration for Jameson Elementary
Pre-K and New Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is open on the RSU 23 website.
Food Pantry Information
If your family would like to receive weekly food bags sent home with your child, please contact our School Counselor, Judy Milligan at or by calling 934-4848. We have received a contract with The Good Shepherd Food Bank with a sponsor of Youth Full Maine to provide food for our pantry. We receive food from these organizations every other week. We also receive donations from the Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry and private citizens in our community. The food we receive varies with each delivery however all food is nonperishable. You are also welcome to pick up the food yourself by letting Mrs. Milligan know that you need a food bag left either at the front office or left outside for a no-contact pick-up. A bag can be packed for you any day just by asking.
Student Medication Procedure
Students may require medications for various reasons throughout the school day, this includes over the counter medications, prescribed medications and emergency medications. Per school policy all medications at school need parent permission, doctors orders and to be administered by the nurse or trained personnel. Medications are stored in the nurse’s office and the student’s parent shall deliver medication needed for school. The intent of this policy is to promote safe administration of medications to students and a safe environment for all our students.
Family Vacation Forms
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Friday 4/12-Friday 4/19 – April Break
- Wednesday 5/1 – Early release day
- Thursday 5/16 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Have a great vacation,
Matt Foster
Principal’s Memo – April 5, 2024
Posted onApril 5, 2024
Happy Snow Day,
I’m not sure who ordered all this snow, but it’s very late arriving! This is a very strange way to end the week. We hope that you are all staying safe with power, and if you do not have power, we hope it is restored soon. With today’s snow day, the last day of school is now Monday, June 10th. Mark your calendars! Also reminder that next Friday there is no school as it is the first day of April break.
Middle School Dance CANCELED
Due to today’s snow day, there is no middle school dance this evening. We will look to reschedule for a day in May.
RSU 23 Solar Eclipse Viewing Event
On Monday the RSU 23 science department is hosting a solar eclipse viewing event. We ask that any PK-grade 8 students in attendance are accompanied by an adult. The event will start at 3:00 at the RSU 23 track complex and glassess will be available for all those in attendance.
Maine Through Year Assessment
Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.
Yearbooks can now be purchased using this link: When you purchase an LMS yearbook, you can design 2 custom pages for FREE, but this must be completed by April 15th.
Vision & Hearing Screenings
We are in the process of completing our State Requirements for vision and hearing screenings. Vision and hearing screenings are necessary to help identify concerns that can affect a student’s progress at school. You will be notified and asked to follow up with your child’s primary care physician and/or specialist if further action is needed. Hearing screenings will be conducted on 3rd and 5th graders. Vision screenings will be conducted on our 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders. Please reach out to our school nurse at if your child has had a comprehensive vision or hearing exam with a specialist in the last 12 months or if you would not like your child to be screened.
8th Grade Parent Information Night
On Wednesday, April 10th at 6:00 pm at the High School, the OOBHS Faculty will host a showcase of the different departments and quick peek into the curriculum for families of 8th graders.
The evening will consist of the following:
- Welcome from Michael Rodriguez, Principal
- Information from the Athletic Director and Guidance Department
- Presentations from academic departments
If you have any questions before these meetings, please don’t hesitate to call or email Beth Roe ( in the guidance department at 934-3705. The High School Guidance Department will also be visiting the eighth grade students on March 29th here at LMS to discuss what to expect for Freshman year.
Pre-K and Kindergarten pre-registration for Jameson Elementary
Pre-K and New Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is open on the RSU 23 website.
Food Pantry Information
If your family would like to receive weekly food bags sent home with your child, please contact our School Counselor, Judy Milligan at or by calling 934-4848. We have received a contract with The Good Shepherd Food Bank with a sponsor of Youth Full Maine to provide food for our pantry. We receive food from these organizations every other week. We also receive donations from the Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry and private citizens in our community. The food we receive varies with each delivery however all food is nonperishable. You are also welcome to pick up the food yourself by letting Mrs. Milligan know that you need a food bag left either at the front office or left outside for a no-contact pick-up. A bag can be packed for you any day just by asking.
Student Medication Procedure
Students may require medications for various reasons throughout the school day, this includes over the counter medications, prescribed medications and emergency medications. Per school policy all medications at school need parent permission, doctors orders and to be administered by the nurse or trained personnel. Medications are stored in the nurse’s office and the student’s parent shall deliver medication needed for school. The intent of this policy is to promote safe administration of medications to students and a safe environment for all our students.
Family Vacation Forms
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Tuesday 4/9 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting
- Friday 4/12-Friday 4/19 – April Break
- Wednesday 5/1 – Early release day
- Thursday 5/16 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting
- Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
- Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
- Monday 6/10 – Last day of school
Enjoy the weekend,
Matt Foster