RSU23 Content
Cynthia Nye

Cynthia Nye

What I do

I live in Old Orchard Beach with my husband and fellow educator, John Nye. We have four adult sons, who all work in education and/or science fields. We have several grandchildren and love spending time with our extended family. We also like to travel, and we’ve visited many states and countries. I’m a member of the Old Orchard Beach Conservation Commission, and John and I help maintain trails. I enjoy exploring Maine’s natural resources and historic sites and getting students outdoors to investigate their world.

I joined RSU 23 in 2013 as a literacy specialist and curriculum integrator. In 2016, I became the teacher of Gifted and Talented Education Services. Before coming to LMS, I worked for educational publishing companies, taught high school and adult education, and taught in the International School of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

I have a BA in English from Mount Holyoke College, an MS in Literacy Education from USM, and endorsements in Literacy Education and Gifted Education. I’m on the editorial board of Findings From the Field, a middle school research journal published by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute.