RSU23 Content

Principal’s Memo – May 17, 2024

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May 17, 2024

Hello there everyone,

Hard to believe we are over halfway through the month of May. There are only fifteen more days of school left in this school year. Many things will be happening in that time, so be sure to pay close attention to the upcoming dates at the end of this memo. Also pay close attention to all communications coming home from your child’s teacher(s) which will also contain important end of year info. Enjoy the beautiful May weather today and this weekend!

Middle School Leadership Conference

Many thanks to our group of Middle School students who attended the Middle School Leadership Summit at the University of New England this past Monday. It was a very successful day, and our students represented OOB and Loranger very well!

Tick Check

It is that time of the year when ticks start emerging. Please be sure to check your child nightly for ticks. Here is a link for more information from CDC on ticks.

Senior Citizen Dinner

RSU 23 is excited to be hosting our Annual Senior Citizen Dinner on Thursday, May 23. We will open the doors and begin seating at 4:30pm. This dinner is free for all Old Orchard Beach Senior Citizens and will be held at Loranger Memorial School. Please help spread the word to come enjoy a wonderful turkey dinner! Please RSVP to Old Orchard Beach Central Office, M-F 8:30-3:00 at 934-5751 extension 0.

End of Year Library Book Return

All school library books are due back by Thursday, May 30th. Please help your child make sure they have returned all their school library books. Check under the couch, in the car, bookshelves, closets etc. We will also have all teachers check desks and shelves in their classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep a well stocked library for our students by returning all library books before the end of the school year.

Middle School Dance

There is a middle school dance this evening from 6:00-8:00. Hope to see our middle schoolers there!

Spring Athletics

Our Middle School Athletic teams are in full swing. If you’re interested in catching our student athletes in action, you can find our schedules here. Go GULLS!

Lost & Found

We have many items in our lost and found. If you think your child has lost some items, please encourage them to check over the items just outside the gymnasium. Thank you!

Maine Through Year Assessment

Teachers and staff are working to establish our schedule for the spring administration of the Maine Through Year required state assessment. We will be administering this assessment over the first few weeks of May. Each grade level team of teachers will set aside time to assess students. The test is an adaptive online assessment that creates a personalized experience for each student. While administering this Assessment is mandated by the DOE, it is also a great tool to measure student progress and growth. It helps assist teachers in identifying students who may be at risk for not reaching grade-level benchmarks so interventions can be provided early and often. The assessment also can help identify students who are surpassing grade-level benchmarks so enrichment opportunities can be provided to further the learning that is already occurring. This is a very useful tool for helping us to ensure that all students get the specific learning support they need so all students can be successful. The DOE also requires us to assess students in grades 5 and 8 in science. If you have any questions please reach out to myself or your child’s classroom teacher.

A reminder of a few upcoming dates:

  • Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day – No School
  • Wednesday 5/29 – LMS Evening of the Arts 5:30-7:00
  • Tuesday 6/4 – LMS Field Day (Rain date 6/5)
  • Friday 6/7 – Grade 8 Promotion
  • Monday 6/10 – Last day of school

Enjoy the weekend, 

Matt Foster


Please see the attached public notice from our special education department.

Public Notice 2024-2025