RSU23 Content

Principal’s Post 1/4/19

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LMS Principal’s Post

Dear LMS Families,

It’s been awesome having students and staff back in the building this week, reconnecting and catching up on holiday vacation adventures!

As we get back into the swing of things in this new year, we will continue to teach components of the LMS Code of Respect. The topic for January 7th-11th is practicing compassion by trusting that our own feelings, and the feelings of others are valid and real. This concept is particularly important in helping our youth understand both the positive impact of kind language toward others, and the negative impact of offensive language toward others.

With snow now covering the ground and winter temperatures upon us, we need your help in ensuring students come to school with weather appropriate outdoor gear (boots, coats, hats, gloves). 3rd-6th graders go outside for recess every day when the temperature feels like 18 degrees or above. 7th and 8th graders head outside from time to time as well.

This week we say goodbye to Amy Simmons who has been a long time administrative assistant at LMS. Amy is moving on to pursue new opportunities and she will be missed!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out regarding anything at all by email,, or by phone, 934-4848.

Happy New Year!



4th & 5th Grade Students: You are invited to sign-up and try LMS Color Guard. Color Guard is an after school activity that involves throwing and spinning flags, dancing, and performing in shows. Please sign up on the posters by the band room, cafeteria, and the main lobby. There is an informational meeting on Monday, January 7th at 2:15.

6th, 7th and 8th Grade Students: You are invited to sign-up and try LMS Color Guard. Color Guard is an after school activity that involves throwing and spinning flags, sabres, dancing, and performing in shows. Please sign up on the posters by the band room, cafeteria, and the main lobby. There is an informational meeting on Monday, January 7th at 2:45.

Upcoming Dates:


2:15pm 4th & 5th Informational Color Guard Meeting

2:45pm 6th, 7th & 8th Informational Color Guard Meeting


6:00pm PTO Meeting @ LMS Library


6:00pm School Board Meeting


6:00pm Middle School Dance (PTO Sponsored-tentative pending volunteers to chaperone)


No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day



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