RSU23 Content

6th Grade Students Accept Award at Unity College

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Three students were chosen to represent the 6th grade in receiving the Teddy Roosevelt Maine Conservation Award for our class. Along with their teachers, Mrs, Nye and Mrs. Seaver, they travelled to Unity College on Friday, April 13th, for a roundtable discussion and award luncheon sponsored by Maine Woods Forever. They received the award for their work on the Goosefare Brook last fall and asked the students to speak about what they had done.

Casey Zecchinelli, Abby Roy, and Jazmin Booth did an amazing job describing the work they did and the projects students came up with to share their learning with the community. The adults in the audience were incredibly impressed with our students’ eloquence, poise, depth of knowledge, and their potential to be future environmental leaders.

We are very proud of your hard work 6th graders!

6th Grade Students Win 2018 Teddy Roosevelt Maine Conservation Award

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Letter from the Chair of the Teddy Roosevelt Maine Conservation Award Committee

Loranger Memorial School’s “Sixth Grade Science Students” have been nominated for the 2018 “Teddy Roosevelt Maine Conservation Award” and I am happy to say that our Board is very pleased to recognize your program with this award. The program was nominated by Meggie Harvey, Molly Auclair, and Christine Voyer of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, with additional support from Meagan Sims, Maine Healthy Beaches Program Coordinator.

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Rescheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences

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The Parent-Teacher Conferences that were cancelled due to the snow day, March 14th, must be rescheduled. The make-up date is Wednesday, March 28th. If you had a conference planned on March 14th, please get in touch with your child’s teacher to reschedule your conference. Conferences are still planned for next Thursday, March 22nd

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