Principal’s Memo – December 15, 2023
Posted onDecember 15, 2023
Hi there LMS Families,
As we continue the push into the Holiday season, we here at LMS want to wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday. Next week we have school all week, with Friday being an early release day. Grades 3-5 are dismissed at 11:30, and grades 6-8 will be dismissed at 12:00. Just a few announcements for you this week.
Congratulations to our Musicians
Congratulations to Mr. Lavenbein and our musicians (band and chorus) for an amazing Holiday Concert this past week. Great job to all!
Snow/Remote Day Information
Please see the snow/remote day memo sent out by Superintendent Suttie.
Healthy Snacks for Celebrations
With the holidays fast approaching, it is a great time to remind everyone that we do have a district wellness policy that addresses healthy snacks for celebrations and events. We ask that any time you are thinking about sending in food for celebrations you check with your child’s teacher who will work with administration to ensure that our celebrations are in line with our district policy. Our wellness team has shared a document that is attached to the December 8th memo that will assist with some ideas. Thank you.
Arrival & Dismissal Safety Procedures
I would like to remind everyone that for the safety of our students and staff the back side of our building including our parking lot is not a thruway. We have seen an increase in the number of vehicles using this as a cut through from Jameson Hill Road to Emerson Cummings Blvd and vice versa. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this in order to keep our students safe!
Family Vacation Forms
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
A reminder of a few upcoming dates:
- Thursday 12/21 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting 6:00 PM OOB Town Hall
- Friday 12/22 – Early Release Day
- Monday 12/25-Monday 1/1 – No School Holiday Break
- Wednesday 1/10 – Early Release Day
- Monday 1/15 – No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Thursday 1/18 – RSU 23 School Board Meeting 6:00 PM OOB Town Hall
Enjoy the weekend,
Matt Foster