RSU23 Content

Principal’s Memo – February 2, 2024

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February 2, 2024

Hi there LMS Families,

Happy Groundhog day. The prediction coming from Phil is early spring. Not sure if that’s good news or not, but considering it hasn’t been much of a winter so far, maybe not. Here are a few announcements for you this week.

Employment Opportunities

Our Food Services Department is hiring a Kitchen Attendant at Loranger Memorial School from now through the end of this school year. This position is 5 hours a day, 8:30-1:30 on school days only, so you won’t miss any time with your kids! If you’re interested, please apply here.

Student Chromebooks

We are seeing a high number of students who are forgetting to bring their chromebook to school, and/or not charged and ready for the day. This creates a lot of problems, number one is their inability to access their education. While we are doing everything we can to supply those students with a device for the day, our supply is limited, and with the amount of students forgetting their devices or having them uncharged, some days we are loaning out our entire stock. Please help us by reminding your child to bring their device every day. Thank you for your partnership with this.

Healthy Snacks for Celebrations

With Valentine’s day on it’s way, it is a great time to remind everyone that we do have a district wellness policy that addresses healthy snacks for celebrations and events. We ask that any time you are thinking about sending in food for celebrations you check with your child’s teacher who will work with administration to ensure that our celebrations are in line with our district policy. We ask that you do not send in any food without prior approval as we do have students and staff who have allergies. Thank you.

UNE Dental Clinic – February 9th

We have a great opportunity coming up on Friday, February 9th, 2024, with the UNE dental clinic in Portland. They will be providing free oral health screenings, oral hygiene education, dental cleanings, fluoride varnish application, and dental sealant placement. This event will be taking place during school hours and we will provide transportation for students participating. Please reach out to for more information and to obtain a copy of the permission form.

Student Medication Procedure

Students may require medications for various reasons throughout the school day, this includes over the counter medications, prescribed medications and emergency medications. Per school policy all medications at school need parent permission, doctors orders and to be administered by the nurse or trained personnel. Medications are stored in the nurse’s office and the student’s parent shall deliver medication needed for school. The intent of this policy is to promote safe administration of medications to students and a safe environment for all our students.

RSU 23 Health Team Note on cold & flu season

As we head into these winter months, this is a quick reminder to be mindful of cold and flu season. It is important that we work together to keep our children healthy. Viruses/Common Colds spread easily among children in schools. You can help prevent the spread of flu and the common cold by following a few simple steps:

  • Remind your child to cover his/her nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. We teach them to cough or sneeze into a tissue, the bend of their elbow, or to cough down into the front of their own shirt to help keep as many germs as possible off of the hands.
  • Have your child wash his/her hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available.
  • If your child is sick and has a fever, keep him/her at home to prevent the spread of illness to others.

Contact our school nurse, Katie Gagnon, at with any questions or if your child will be absent from school due to illness.

Snow/Remote Day Information

Please see the snow/remote day memo sent out by Superintendent Suttie.

Arrival & Dismissal Safety Procedures

I would like to remind everyone that for the safety of our students and staff the back side of our building including our parking lot is not a thruway. We have seen an increase in the number of vehicles using this as a cut through from Jameson Hill Road to Emerson Cummings Blvd and vice versa. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this in order to keep our students safe!

Family Vacation Forms

During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!

A reminder of a few upcoming dates:

  • Wednesday 2/7 – Early Release Day
  • Friday 2/9 – UNE Dental Clinic
  • Monday 2/19-Friday 2/23 – February Break
  • Wednesday 3/6 – Early Release Day
  • Friday 3/8 OOBHS/LMS Drama Performance
  • Monday 3/11 – Start of Trimester 3
  • Thursday 3/14 – Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Wednesday 3/20 – Parent Teacher Conferences

Enjoy the weekend,

Matt Foster